Author | Speaker | Advocate

Christine Thomas

Author   Speaker   Advocate

"I am passionate about stopping fractures and saving lives."

Welcome to

Where author Christine Thomas blogs to build better bones

About the Author
Christine is a nationally recognized author and speaker in Canada. She uses her valuable communication skills as a passionate advocate for better bone health around the world. She is relentless at educating others on the prevention and management of this potentially debilitating disease. She is on the Osteoporosis Canada Board of Directors, has won numerous awards and is often seen in the Canadian media delivering her message with the kind of conviction learned only through hard experience.


News Flash! Portable Prevention!

For those of you on the go, who want a portable, environmentally friendly option to access vital information to improve your bone health, Unbreakable is now available as an Epub. It is quick and easy to buy through my website. For those of you who still like the feel of a REAL book the soft cover of Unbreakable is still available as well. All profits from sales of both the soft cover and Epub go to Osteoporosis Canada.… Continue reading

Be Nice and Clear Your Ice!

The risk of a breaking a bone doubles in the winter. Did you know that in the city of Ottawa, Canada alone there are 20,000 annual visits to Ottawa emergency rooms related to falls?

Most slips in the winter are a result of slippery surfaces, wearing the wrong footwear and simple distraction. This winter has been particularly harsh in many regions of Canada. My aunt recently fell and shattered her hip so I chose to share some tips to help… Continue reading

My First Blog! Are you shrinking?

We all have that sense that we are getting a little bit shorter as we get older. You are not imagining it! Starting at about age 40, we lose about ¼ – ½ an inch per decade. Losing too much height too rapidly however, can signal osteoporosis and be a warning sign for you to investigate your bone health!

Why do we shrink, what are the consequences, and what can we do?

Why do we shrink?
Think of a house… Continue reading

Are You At Risk

Crack! in 2001 Christine Thomas bent over to pick up her newborn daugher in her crib and fractured her spine in several places.

Months later, she would be diagnosed with osteoporosis.